Dividend distribution- FY 2017/2018
Jumbo S.A. announces to its shareholders that, according to article of the Athens Exchange Regulation, the Annual General Meeting of its Shareholders, on November 7th, 2018 decided the distribution to Shareholders of a dividend of EUR 0,39 per share before withholding dividend tax which is part of the profits of the financial year 2017/2018. As of 03.04.2018 the Company has already paid in the form of an interim dividend the amount of EUR 23.511.127,13 and with the approval of the General Meeting will distribute the remaining amount of EUR 29.552.178,88 corresponding to EUR 0,2172 per share (gross). After withholding a dividend tax of 15%, where necessary, the remaining dividend amounts to EUR 0,18462 per share.
Beneficiaries of the remaining dividend are the Company's registered shareholders at the closing of the Athens Exchange session on the record date, which is Friday 14.12.2018. The Ex-dividend date is Thursday 13.12.2018. The remaining dividend payment to entitled Shareholders begins on Thursday, December 20th, 2018 and will be processed through the Eurobank Ergasias SA, as follows:
I. via the Central Securities Depository Operators, for investors who have been granted their operators the relevant collection rights.
II. via deposit to the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the investor has declared to receive the distributed amounts in accordance with Article 13 of the Rules of Operation DSS and decision number 6 of the BoD of the ATHEXCSD, as applicable, for investors who do not wish to receive the amounts through their Operators. Concerns only investors who have declared IBAN of the paying bank.
III. via “Eurobank Ergasias” branch network, for any other investor.
The payment of the dividend through “Eurobank Ergasias” will be executed through the submission of the Identity Card of the Shareholder, while the payment to a third person can only be done through the presentation of an authorization, which shall include the full details of the Shareholder as well as of the authorized person (full name, father's name, Identity number & taxpayer identification number) and will be certified for the original signature by the Police or another Public Authority.
After three (3) months from the payment date, i.e. as of Thursday 21.03.2019, payment will be made only at the company’s headquarters at Moshato Attica (9th Cyprus Street and Idras).
For further information, shareholders may contact the shareholder information department during working days and hours (Head of the Department Mrs Amalia Karamitsoli, tel. 2104805267).
Additionally, the contact details of the "EUROBANK ERGASIAS SA" are the following: Domestic Markets Custody Operations Division, Corporate Actions Department, Iolkou 8 & Filiki Etaireia, 14234 Nea Ionia, tel. 210 3522085 and 210 3522284.
It is clarified that the right to collect dividend disperses if not collected within a period of five (5) years from the end of the year that the corresponding right was born (Civil Code article 250, par. 15) and that following such term any relevant amount shall be reimbursed to the Hellenic Republic according to article 1 of legal decree 1195/1942.
Beneficiaries of the remaining dividend are the Company's registered shareholders at the closing of the Athens Exchange session on the record date, which is Friday 14.12.2018. The Ex-dividend date is Thursday 13.12.2018. The remaining dividend payment to entitled Shareholders begins on Thursday, December 20th, 2018 and will be processed through the Eurobank Ergasias SA, as follows:
I. via the Central Securities Depository Operators, for investors who have been granted their operators the relevant collection rights.
II. via deposit to the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the investor has declared to receive the distributed amounts in accordance with Article 13 of the Rules of Operation DSS and decision number 6 of the BoD of the ATHEXCSD, as applicable, for investors who do not wish to receive the amounts through their Operators. Concerns only investors who have declared IBAN of the paying bank.
III. via “Eurobank Ergasias” branch network, for any other investor.
The payment of the dividend through “Eurobank Ergasias” will be executed through the submission of the Identity Card of the Shareholder, while the payment to a third person can only be done through the presentation of an authorization, which shall include the full details of the Shareholder as well as of the authorized person (full name, father's name, Identity number & taxpayer identification number) and will be certified for the original signature by the Police or another Public Authority.
After three (3) months from the payment date, i.e. as of Thursday 21.03.2019, payment will be made only at the company’s headquarters at Moshato Attica (9th Cyprus Street and Idras).
For further information, shareholders may contact the shareholder information department during working days and hours (Head of the Department Mrs Amalia Karamitsoli, tel. 2104805267).
Additionally, the contact details of the "EUROBANK ERGASIAS SA" are the following: Domestic Markets Custody Operations Division, Corporate Actions Department, Iolkou 8 & Filiki Etaireia, 14234 Nea Ionia, tel. 210 3522085 and 210 3522284.
It is clarified that the right to collect dividend disperses if not collected within a period of five (5) years from the end of the year that the corresponding right was born (Civil Code article 250, par. 15) and that following such term any relevant amount shall be reimbursed to the Hellenic Republic according to article 1 of legal decree 1195/1942.