In accordance with the Law and the company’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors hereby invites the shareholders of company under the trade name “JUMBO C.S.A.” to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on April nineteenth (19th) 2006, Wednesday, at 15:00, upon special approval by the competent Directorate of Societes Anonymes and Credit of the Ministry of Development, at the company’s central offices located at 9, Kiprou and Hydras Str., in Moschato – Attica, in order to discuss and adopt resolutions on the following items on the agenda: AGENDA 1.Share capital increase by € 44,452,729.20, through capitalization of the following reserves: (a) total extraordinary reserves of € 41,033,060.66 and b) part of the difference arising from the issue of shares above par of € 3,419,668.54. The above increase will be carried out as follows: (a) For the amount of € 30,308,679.00, through increase of the par value of the company’s existing shares from € 0.80 to € 1.40 per share; (b) For the remaining amount of € 14,144,050.20, which includes the essentially capitalized amount of € 624,535.78 of the extraordinary special reserve deriving from unpaid dividends, through issue of 10,102,893 new shares having a par value of € 1.40 each, which will be freely disposed to the beneficiaries at the proportion of two (2) new shares for ten (10) old ones; Amendment of article 5 par. A of the company’s Articles and codification thereof into new text. 2.Relocation of the company’s registered office from the Municipality of Glyfada to the Municipality of Moschato –Attica; essential amendment of article 2 of the Company’s Articles; 3.Extension of the company’s term of operation from thirty (30) to seventy (70) years and amendment of article 3 of the company’s Articles; 4.Announcements and briefing to shareholders. All company shareholders are entitled to attend the General Meeting and vote either personally or by proxy. Any shareholders wishing to attend the General Meeting must bind all or part of their shares, either through their operator at the Intangible Securities System or directly at the Central Depository of Securities, and obtain share deposition certificates, which must be submitted together with any powers of attorney, by 13.04.2006 with the company’s Treasury in Moschato –Attica (at 9, Kiprou and Hydras Str., Head of Shares Dept: Mrs. Ekaterini Papaevagelou) Glyfada, March 15, 2006 The Board of Directors