Announcement of regulated information according to law 3556/2007

Jumbo S.A. announces, in accordance with the provisions of Law 3556/2007, Decision 1/434/03.07.2007 issued by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, the Guidance Circular 33 issued by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and the ATHEX Exchange Rulebook, that:
the foreign Institution "KARPATHIA FOUNDATION", although it does not own shares of the Jumbo S.A, informed the company in its 18 December 2020 notification, that "KARPATHIA FOUNDATION" continue to hold indirectly 23,22% of the voting rights of Jumbo S.A., through the control of the foreign company "Tanocerian Maritime (Cyprus) LTD", which, on 18.12.2020, merged through absorption the company" TANOCERIAN MARITIME SA " and as a result became the main shareholder of the Jumbo S.A., holding the same number of shares (31.589.966) and the same percentage (23,22%) of its share capital.