Announcement of regulated information according to law 3556/2007

Jumbo S.A. announces, in accordance with the provisions of Law 3556/2007, Decision 1/434/03.07.2007 issued by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, the Guidance Circular 33 issued by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and the ATHEX Exchange Rulebook, that:
“TANOCERIAN MARITIME (CYPRUS) LTD” informed Jumbo S.A., in its 18 December 2020 notification, that on 18.12.2020 “TANOCERIAN MARITIME (CYPRUS) LTD” merged through absorption the company" TANOCERIAN MARITIME SA " and as a result became the main shareholder of Jumbo S.A., holding the same number of shares (31.589.966) and the same percentage (23,22%) of its share capital.